Everything About Pets !


jeudi 23 février 2017

Freddy is officialy recognized by Guinness World Records as The Biggest Dog In The World

At 7 feet 6 inches, the massive Great Dane Freddy is declared the tallest and the biggest in the world, also his owner Claire was so proud of him.

Facebook/ Freddy The Worlds Tallest Dog
At 7 feet 6 inches and tipping the scale over 200 pounds , Freddy is taller than his 5 feet 4 inches owner when he stands on his legs and taller than every dog in the planet, so Guinness World Records declared him the biggest dog in the world.
Facebook/ Freddy The Worlds Tallest Dog
There isn't such thing as a small dog when you talk about Great Dane breed, even Claire knew that she will be deal with a big dog when she brought him home, because the Great Dane rank high is in the list of giant dog breeds, with the average adult weighing up to 190 pounds and standing 33 inches tall the shoulders, but Freddy surpassed all the expectations.
Facebook/ Freddy The Worlds Tallest Dog
Freddy has a sister named Fluer, and Claire love them so much and treat them like her children. Because of their big sizes, Claire's grocery bill totals ober $15 000 every year, without including the 23 sofas Freddy dined on as a puppy but Claire has nothing but love to her over-sized furbaries, especially her four-years-old record-breaker.

"I'd come home and a sea of foam across the floor. But he's my baby and I can't imagine life without him" Claire Told Daily Mail 
Facebook/ Freddy The Worlds Tallest Dog
Freddy have a facebook page where you can learn more about him : Freddy The Worlds Tallest Dog

If you can get a dog like Freddy, would you own him ? tell us in the comments

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